3 Reasons Why Web Design is Important

3 Reasons Why Web Design is Important

How would you rate your web presence? Many brands take their website for granted. However, your website could be your greatest asset — and it should be if you’re an online business. Here are some of the reasons why web design should be an integral part of your brand strategy.

1. Reduces Marketing Costs

A decent website design can help reduce your marketing costs. The harder your website works, the less you need to invest in paid content. Earned media, owned media, SEO (search engine optimization) and a local search strategy are all things that can be improved and then complemented by good website design and performance. SEO involves optimizing content for your website that makes it easy for search engines and local searchers to find you. Owned media is content your brand creates, like blog posts, videos, and images. Earned media is content your customers and fans post about you, such as comments, shares, and reviews.

2. Supports Your Brand

Your website plays an important brand-building role. The colors, tone of voice, and imagery you use represent your brand and build recognition. They should complement every other touchpoint you create with your customers. A professional-looking website cements your position as a reputable, experienced brand. It creates consumer confidence and allows you to bring your brand values and mission to life.

3. Improves Conversion Rates

An efficient, effective website increases your conversion rate. It takes your potential customers on a journey from consideration to purchase with fewer visits to your website. This means you don’t necessarily need more customers to come to your website to be successful, as long as those who do come take action once they’re there. The more straightforward a customer journey your website delivers, the easier you make it for people to purchase from you.

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An online business is only as strong as its website. Exceptional usability combined with engaging content and an attractive-to-look-at page will set you head and shoulders above the competition.

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